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Celebrating World Ocean Day: Protecting Our Blue Planet

Date added: Sat 08 Jun 2024

At The Natural Energy Company, we believe in the importance of sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. Today, we join millions around the globe in celebrating World Ocean Day, a day dedicated to honoring our oceans and promoting efforts to protect them.


The Significance of World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day, celebrated annually on June 8th, is a global event that raises awareness about the critical role oceans play in our lives. Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface, produce over half of the world's oxygen, and are home to an incredible diversity of life. They are vital to our climate, economy, and overall well-being.

This year’s theme, "Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing," highlights the need for a deeper understanding of our oceans and the urgent actions required to safeguard their health. From reducing plastic pollution to combating climate change, every effort counts towards preserving the beauty and functionality of our oceans for future generations.


Our Commitment to Ocean Health

At The Natural Energy Company, we recognise that a degree of our daily operations and products have an impact on our environment. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we continually strive to minimise our ecological footprint and support initiatives that promote ocean health.

- Renewable Energy Solutions: By providing renewable energy solutions such as air source heat pumps, solar panels and battery storage, we help reduce reliance on fossil fuels, thereby decreasing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to ocean acidification and global warming.


- Eco-Friendly Practices: We implement eco-friendly practices in our daily operations, from reducing waste to ensuring that our products and services meet the highest environmental standards.


- Community Engagement: We actively engage with local communities and organisations to raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and support projects that aim to protect marine ecosystems.


One charity we continually support is Reforesting Scotland, a brilliant organisation that advocates for community-led reforestation and sustainable land use practices aiming to enhance Scotland’s biodiversity.


How You Can Help 

Protecting our oceans is a collective responsibility. Here are some ways you can contribute to ocean conservation:

- Reduce Plastic Use: Single-use plastics are a major threat to marine life. Opt for reusable bags, bottles, and containers, and support businesses that prioritise sustainable packaging.

Did you know? We sell a range of plastic-free eco products and also offer refills in our showroom!


- Participate in Cleanups: Join local beach or river cleanups to help remove debris from waterways before it reaches the ocean.


- Support Sustainable Seafood: Choose sustainably sourced seafood to ensure that fish populations remain healthy and ecosystems are protected.


- Educate and Advocate: Share information about ocean conservation with friends and family, and support policies aimed at protecting marine environments.


Looking Ahead

As we celebrate World Ocean Day, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of our actions and the health of our planet. At The Natural Energy Company, we are dedicated to doing our part in promoting a sustainable future. We encourage everyone to take a moment today to appreciate the oceans and consider how we can all contribute to their preservation.


Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our oceans remain vibrant and full of life for generations to come.


Happy World Ocean Day!